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Forum - A dan Z ye tüm oyun hileleri

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(şimdiye kadar 296 posta)
17.11.2007 17:37 (UTC)[alıntı yap]
Arkadaşlar bu başlıkta A dan Z ye bulanbilfdiğim oyun hilelerini size sunacağım

---> A Age of Empires

Oyun sırasında enter'a basın ve hileleri yazın:

BIG BERTHA: Catapultun istatistiklerini arttırır
BIGDADDY: Roketli araba
BLACK RIDER: Atlı okçuların atış gücü artar
COINAGE: 1000 altın
DARK RAIN: Okçular hareket halindeyken ağaca dönüşür
FLYING DUTCHMAN: Juggernaught'u uçan Dutchman'e çevirir
GAIA: Doğayı kontrol etme
HARI KARI: İntahar
HOME RUN: Senaryoyu kazandırır
HOYOHOYO: 600 Hitpoints ve rahiplere hız
ICBM: Ballistanın menzili 100'e çıkar
MEDUSA: Köylüler medusa olur
NO FOG: Savaş sisini kaldırır
PEPPERONI PIZZA: 1000 yiyecek
PHOTON MAN: Silahlı adam
QUARRY: 1000 taş
REVEAL MAP: Haritayı açar
STEROIDS: Bütün ünite ve upgradeleri verir
UPSIDFLINTMOBILE: Chariots'ların hızı artar
WOODSTOCK: 1000 tahta

--->Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings

Bu oyunda hile yapabilmek için öncelikle oyun esnasında ENTER tuşuna basarak haberleşme penceresini açın** verilen kodları buradan girdikten sonra tekrar ENTER tuşuna basarak onaylayın. İşte kodlar ve sonuçları:

ROCK ON - 1000 birim taş verir.
LUMBERJACK - 1000 birim odun verir.
ROBIN HOOD - 1000 birim altın verir.
CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S - 1000 birim yiyecek verir.
MARCO - Tüm haritayı açar.
POLO - Savaş sisini kapatır.
AEGIS - Hızlı üretim yapmanızı sağlar.
NATURAL WONDERS - Doğal olayları kontrol etmenizi sağlar.
RESIGN - Bölümü kaybetmenizi sağlar.
WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY - Kendinizi yoketmenizi sağlar.
HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON - Bir Cobra otomobil verir.
TORPEDO# - # nolu düşmanı öldürür** # için bir değer girmeniz gereklidir.
TO SMITHEREENS - Bir adet sabotajcı verir.
BLACK DEATH - Tüm düşmanlarınızı öldürür.
I R WINNER - Bölümü kazanmanızı sağlar.

--->Age of Empires: Rise of Rome

Enter tuşuna basarak komut satırını açın ve aşağıdaki kodları oradan girin:

king arthur - Kuşları ejderhalar dönüştürür. (999 HP)
pow big mamma - Yeni bir ünite verir: BabyPrez (500 HP** 50 str** 10 arm** 15 rng)
convert this! - Yeni bir Priest ünitesi verir: ("Saint Francis"** düşmanlarına yıldırımla saldırır. (25 HP** 200 str** 0 arm** 10 rng)
stormbilly - Yeni bir robot ünitesi verir. ("Zug 209" (100 HP** 20 str** 10 arm** 15 rng)

--->Age of Empires 2: The Conquerers

Hileleri girebilmek için chat penceresin açın ve aşağıdaki kodları girin

lumberjack = 1000 wood
robin hood = 1000 gold
furious the monkey boy = kızgın bir goril yaratır
marco = haritayı açar
polo = fog of war’u kaldırır

--->Army Men 2

* Görevinizi ve haritayı çok iyi anlamanız lazım. Eğer gerekiyorsa** görevinize başlamadan önce sırf haritayı öğrenmek için etrafta dolaşın. Böyle yapmazsanız görevinizi başarmanız imkansız olacaktır.
* Bulduğunuz anda Sarge'a bozukayı aldırın. Oyundaki en etkili silah bazuka** özellikle düşman askerler toplu halde saldırırken. İyi bir atışla dört tane düşmanı birden eritebilirsiniz.
* Sarge'ın dışındaki askerleri yönetirken onları kısa mesafelerde yürütün. Asla bir ekrandan öteye tıklamayın. Böylece istemediğiniz yerlere gitmelerini de engellemiş olursunuz.
* Araçları yönetirken her seferinde birisini gönderin. Grup halinde hareket ettirirseniz saçma sapan yerlere giderler ve büyük ihtimalle tuzağa düşerler.

2 Burada hile yapabilmek için öncelikle oyun esnasında "\" tuşuna basarak hile konsolunu açın. Daha sonra "!when all else fails..." kodunu girin ve Enter tuşuna basın** böylece hile moduna geçmiş olacaksınız. Aynı yerden aşağıdaki kodları girerek belirtilen etkileri elde edebilirsiniz:

!a better tomorrow - Vulcan topu
!armageddon - Armageddon
!doctor doctor - Tam sağlık
!acme discs - Mayınlar
!beautiful nikita - Suikast tüfeği
!fourth of july - M80
!gnomish inventions - Patlayıcılar
!geronimo! - Hava saldırısı
!i give up - Görevi kaybettirir
!jumpjets - Uçma yeteneği verir
!i have a rock - El bombaları
!ninja arts - Görünmezlik
!paper dolls - Paraşütçüler
!pooper scooper - Mayın tarayıcı
!rubber cement - İlkyardım çantası
!santini - Ölümsüzlük
!spidey senses tingling - Tüm haritayı açar
!veni vidi vinci - Görevi yeniden başlatır

3 \ tuşuna basarak mesaj yazma ekranına girin "!when all else fails..." yazın. Daha sonra aşağıdaki hilelerden birisini girebilirsiniz.

!veni vidi vinci - Bölüm geçme.
!night of the walking dead - Düşmanlarınız zombiye dönüşür.
!ninja arts - Sarge görünmez olur ve daha hızlı gider.
!god of gamblers - Rastgele bir eşya verir.
!geronimo! - 12 hava saldırısı.
!beautiful nikita - Sonsuz dürbünlü tüfek.
!roach spray - Sonsuz Can "o" fire.
!ruby ray - Sonsuz büyüteç.
!aluminum foil - Çelik yelek.
!no rocket launcher - Sonsuz bazuka.
!village people - Sonsuz alev makinası.
!i have a rock - Sonsuz el bombası.
!armageddon - Herkes ölür.
!doctor doctor - Ful sağlık.
!spidey senses tingling - Bütün düşmanları haritada görürsünüz.
!jumpjets - Sarge'ı ışınlar.
!santini - Ölümsüzlük.

--->Army Men: Toys in Space

Bu oyunda aşağıda verilen hilelerden faydalanabilmek için Backspace tuşuna basın ve açılan komut satırından önce ana kodu girerek hile modunu açın. Daha sonra yine aynı şekilde diğer kodları kullanabilirsiniz** ünlem işaretlerini dahil etmeyi unutmayın.

"!throw me a frickin bone here: Hile moduna girmek için gereken ana açılış kodu.
!captain scarlet: Ölümsüzlük verir.
!full monty: Ölümsüzlük ve envanter malzemelerini verir.
!stay frosty: Çavuşa bir korunma kalkanı verir.
!henry: 30 adet böcek ilacı verir.
!harsh language: 20 adet sineklik verir.
!here's a lockpick...: Sınırsız napalm yakıtı verir.
!mib: Çavuşa bir laser tüfeği verir.
!this one goes to eleven: 3 adet napalm atış hakkı verir.
!scotty: Destek için 3 adet SpaceMen verir.
!hey stifler: Sınırsız miktarda yapışkan verir.
!one time...: 3 Baseball verir.
!spiny norman: 3 adet HammerMine verir.
!pump me up: Çavuşa Steroid Boost verir.
!roody-pooh: Sınırsız hava saldırısı verir.
!the meek: Görevi kaybetmenizi sağlar.
!cut to the chase: Görevi kazanmanızı sağlar.
!halloween: Düşmanları zombilere dönüştürür.
!florence: Sınırsız medikit verir.
!johnny ricco: 3 Paratrooper verir.
!peep show: 3 Recon verir.
!yippee!!!: Bir suikast tüfeği verir.
!penny: Sınırsız M80 verir.
!i got two words for ya...: Mayın tarama cihazı verir.
!there is no spoon: Haritada üşmanların yerini gösterir.
!hello neo: Ağır laser topu verir.
AngefeArgueme (Ziyaretçi)
12.02.2008 11:50 (UTC)[alıntı yap]

David woke up when the car hit a bump. He groaned and rubbed his eyes and looked out the window. All he could see was green hill sides so he guessed they were almost there.
His mom had told him he was going to be staying at her best friends house in the country again. The last time he had been there was when he was 13. Now at 15 David had begged her to take him with them but they couldn’t. His mother and father were starting a new project over seas and wouldn’t have much time for anything else.
His mother looked back at him and smiled. “We’re almost there. Lisa and Megan are going to be excited to see you again.” David rolled his eyes and looked out the window again. anal sex
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After a few moments they pulled up to a big house and they got out. David grabbed his suit cases and they started for the front door when it opened. Out stepped Mrs. Dears and her two daughters, Lisa and Megan. The last time he had seen them was when they were little. The twins had grown up, and at 14 each girl had large breasts. Lisa kept her hair shoulder length while Megan let hers grow to the middle of her back.
Mrs. Dears and David’s mother hugged and talked for a few moments. She then gave him a hug while his father told him to behave for Mrs. Dears. Then him and David’s mother got in the car and drove off. asian sex
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“Well why don’t we show you where your room is.” Mrs. Dears said then lead David into the house and showed him around, Lisa and Megan following. “This is the room where you’ll be staying. Hope you like it.” then her and her daughters walked off, leaving David alone.
David entered and tossed his suitcase onto the bed and began to unpack his stuff. After he had finished unpacking he laid down on the bed and fell asleep. bigtits sex
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David woke up to someone knocking on his door. He looked out the window and saw that it was dark. He rubbed his eyes. “Come in.” He said then sat up as Megan entered. She looked beautiful in her silk night clothes. fetish sex
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“I can’t sleep David. I’ve been having these bad dreams.” she said sitting down on the edge of the bed and looking at him. “What kind of dreams Megan?” she blushed and shook her head. “You’d think I’m silly or something.” David moved closer to her, sitting on the edge of the bed as well and looked at her. “You can tell me.”
Megan took a deep breath and nodded. “I dream about having sex, getting raped by someone. I wake up wet a lot.” David smiled. “ I take it you’re a virgin?” she blushed and nodded. She laid her head on his shoulder and grabbed his hand and held it.
“I’ve always liked you. Every time we talk on the phone I get wet. In a lot of my dreams you’re the one having sex with me.” she said blushing again. “Do you now?” David said then leaned down and kissed her.
The kiss lasted for a moment, Megan’s breath was taken away. She moved closer to him, pressing her body against his. “Take me, David. I want you to take my virginity.” she breathed out against his neck. gay sex
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David smiled and started to kiss her again, his hand moving to her panty clad nether lips. She moaned into the kiss and started to remove her panties. David slipped her night gown off her and tossed it onto the floor then took his shirt off. group sex
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Once they were both undressed David laid her down on the bed and started to kiss her neck as her hands groped at his manhood. He let out a moan as her hands guided his cock into her warm pussy lips. He kept getting deeper till he encountered her hymen. She nodded her head and David pushed his cock past it, a cry of pain coming from her mouth.
“Are you ok?” He asked, concerned that he had hurt her. She shook her hand and wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs going around her waist pushing his cock deeper into her pussy. “Fuck me.” She breathed out. lesbian sex
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David started a to fuck her pussy slow, entering and almost leaving. “Harder!” She screamed out. David grinned and started to fuck her pussy hard, just like she told him to.
She ached her back as his cock drove into her pussy. To stop her self from screaming she bit his neck, not hard just to let him know he felt very good! “Oh god!” She said, her mouth leaving his neck. Her muscles contracted around his cock and she had her first orgasm.
David couldn’t hold out and his climax hit at the same time, his seed shooting into her pussy while he groaned. David pulled out, which caused Megan to whimper. She pulled the covers over them and they both fell asleep. masturbation sex
My name's Peter, and I'm 17. Well, my parents told me they were going out for their anniversary on the upcoming Saturday night, and I would be at home alone. I planned to just look at porn all night, but I got a better idea.
There are a lot of people in my neighborhood, but there are two girls my age who I'd give anything to fuck. One is Mariah, a skinny dirty blond with C cups and a tough ass (she swims year round). The other is Alison, who's not as skinny as Mariah, but she has bigger boobs and her amazing bubble butt jiggles like crazy. oral sex
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School had just let out for the weekend, and I saw Alison. I went up to her and asked "Hey, you wanna maybe chill at my place tomorrow night?"
"Yeah." she said. "I won't be home till about 8, so I'll come over then."
"Great." I said. Next, just as I was about to walk home (I live within walking distance of school), Mariah came up to me.
"Hey. Did we have any physics homework?" she asked. teen sex
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"No, we've just gotta study for next week's test. You wanna get a head start on that tomorrow night at my place?"
"Sure. I'll be over, let's say, 7?". I nodded.
ypjtycyo (Ziyaretçi)
04.04.2015 07:32 (UTC)[alıntı yap]



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